Document Type : Research Paper
In order to control soft rot disease of syngonium ornamental plant caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum, six essential oils namely, thym, Summer savory, Anise, Eucalyptus, Dill, Cumin and two antibiotics of erythromycin and streptomycin were evaluated under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. MICs of all essential oils were determined and different concentrations of each compound were prepared. In laboratory assays, among 6 different concentrations of essential oils, pure thym oil with 15mm inhibition zone and erythromycin (15mg/disk) with 15mm inhibition zone exhibited the most antibacterial activities. On the other hand, erythromycin (400mg/ml) with 3-5 mm inhibition zone showed the same result as treated with thym essential oil (10-2). The syngonium seedlings treated with erythromycin (400mg/ml) gave a healthy and long root growth of 70mm and 3mm of soft rot symptoms on roots. The seedlings treated with thym oil promoted root growth to 32mm and soft rots of 7mm. According to the results, erythromycin and thym oil were identified as the most effective compounds compared to the others.