In collaboration with Scientific Association of Iranian Medicinal Plants

Document Type : Research Paper



Sorbus aucuparia is a medicinal species belonging to Rosaceae family. Its medicinal value is due to its fruit and leaves. To investigate the effect of medium, plant growth regulators and genotype on In vitro regeneration of Sorbus aucuparia, apical buds were collected from adult trees at different localities (Siabishe, Farim and Foolad mahalle) in all seasons. Cleaning and brushing of buds with tween and ethanol 70% solution was identified as the best method of buds sterilization. For sterilization phase, treatment solution of 0.1% HgCl2 for four minutes and three minutes were respectively identified as the best treatments for Farim and Siabishe at the beginning of the winter season. This treatment was useful for 5 minutes in summer for genotypes of Foolad mahalle. The best medium for shoot regeneration was DKW with BA
0.5 mg/lit, TDZ 0.05 mg/lit and IBA 0.1 mg/lit. Shoot growth was achieved in MS with 2ip
0.5 mg/lit. Shoots were rooted in MCM suspension medium supplimented with vermiculite and 1.5 mg/lit IBA under dark conditions.
