In collaboration with Scientific Association of Iranian Medicinal Plants

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Mechanization Research Division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran

2 Medicinal and Aromrtic Plants Research Division, Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran


The high tendency of agricultural producers to the production of medicinal plants has raised concerns about increasing the yield of these products, which can be achieved by mechanizing production and spending more energy. Therefore, energy flow analysis is essential throughout the production process. This research was implemented in the field in 2018 by questionnaires and face to face interview with farmers in some areas of Tehran and Alborz provinces on the four medicinal herbs Mentha piperita L., Artemisia dracunculus L., Ocimum basilicum L. and Satureja hortensis L. The results showed that among all the inputs consumed in this project, two inputs of chemical fertilizers and electricity with a difference of more than 80%, had the highest percentage of energy consumption. After estimating the energy indices, the energy efficiency index was more than one for all the studied products, indicating the energy efficiency of the production systems of these products. Also, the medicinal plant savory with an energy efficiency of 3.37 was considered the most suitable product for energy consumption and production. In terms of net energy index, savory with a net energy production of 281457 MJ ha-1 had the highest energy return. The estimate of the mechanization index in energy consumption showed that a small proportion of energy consumption was related to mechanization (0.23 to 0.26) in the production of all four products and this issue showed the need to increase mechanization in the production of these products more than before.


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