In collaboration with Scientific Association of Iranian Medicinal Plants

Document Type : Research Paper


Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran, Iran


The genus of Syringa presents 25-30 species in Asia and south-east of Europe are cultivated for their showy flowers in spring and early summer. The common Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) from south-east of Europe is a very popular species with more than 500 cultivar, many of them have sweel smell. The fragrant floewers of S. vulgaris were collected from National Botanical Garden of Iran in the spring, then extracted with hexan. After remowing the plant waxes, absolute injected to GC and GC/MS. Nineteen compounds were identified constituting 86%(w/w) of the total absolute, the major components are: B-asarone (27%), B-asarone (27%), Phytol(9.5%), a-farnesene (6.8%), carvone (4.4%), P-dimethoxy benzen (3.1%), neryl acetate (2.9%).

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