In collaboration with Scientific Association of Iranian Medicinal Plants

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Biology, Tehran and North branch of Tehran, Azad univ, Tehran, Iran.

2 Research Institue of forest & Rangeland, Ministry of Jahad

3 Department of Biology, Tarbiat Moallem Univ, Tehran, Iran.

4 Research Institue of forest & Rangeland, Ministry of Jahad.


In this research effects of ultraviolet radiation emitted by 8,20 and 40W lamps were studid on quantitative and qualitative compositional changes of the essential oils of Mentha spicata in greenhouse and field condition by using GC and GC/MS apparatus in before flowering and flowering stages of plant development.
Ultraviolet radiation increased essential oil content in two developmental stage of plant. In greenhouse plants producing essential oil rich in piperitenone oxid and significant increase in 40W treatment before flowering stage.
In field plants Carvone component in all treatment increased, and significant increased in 20W treatment before flowering stage.
Piperitenone compound in 8 and 20 treatment decreased whereas Piperitenone oxid content in this treatment increased (Probebly Piperitenone change to Piperitenone oxid. Lawrens, 1998). Effects of Ulaviolet radiations on germination and developmental in M.spicata still under investigation.


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