In collaboration with Scientific Association of Iranian Medicinal Plants

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Academic member of Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands

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Fluctuation of hypericin and yield in Hypericum perforatum was examined in Karaj Research Station in 1989. In this study chemical fertilizer, organic manure and combination of them were allocated in subplot, and plant density was allocated as main plot with 4,5.7 and 10 plant m?. In a split plot design under CRBD with 3 replication. Hypericin in the tops from the first harvest was extracted and measured by Soxhlet and spectrophotometer. Hypericin extraction was performed in two stages by CHCL3 and MeOH and measured by standard hypericin.
The results showed that the combination of fertilizer and manure and also manure alone produced maximum hypericin, in the first harvest which were 2262 and 2197 ppm, respectively. Hypericin yields of the mentioned treatments with 4684 and 4534 gr/ha also showed significant difference with chemical fertilizer and control. The highest hypericin yield produced in 10 plant m density. Sum of hypericin yields for combination of manure and fertilizer treatment in two harvests reaches to 8094 gr/ha. It seems that combination of chemical fertilizer and manure by improvement of the soil physical, chemical and biological properties are able to improve hypericin content without any toxicity in this medicinal plant.

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