Document Type : Research Paper
Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands
In Iran National Botanical Garden, ripe seeds of 5 Fragrant and Medicinal plants (Campsis grandiflora (Thunb.) Schuman, Catalpa speciosa Warder, Cupressus sempervirens L. var. fastigiata, Melia azedarach L., Thuja orientalis L.) were collected in periods. They were put under pretreatment for consideration of suitable germination methods of seeds as follows.
1- Phisical motive; soaking the seeds for 1 to 24 hours, making a hole on the top of the seeds, scratching the cortex of the seeds.
2- Chemical motive: sodium hypochloride, potassium nitrate, diluted and concentarated sulphoric acid. As a result the best method for germination of seeds were determined.
This consideration shows the best times for collecting of seeds and the best pretreatment and treatment with high percentages in germination of seeds as well.
The best pretreatment and treatment for Campsis grandiflora are:
Washing in sodium hypochlorice and distilled water, 20:30C temprature, 16h. light and 8h. darkness for 2 weaks, For Catalpa speciosa are: washing in sodium hypochloride and distilled water, 20:30C temprature, 16h. light and 8h. darkness for 1 to 2 weaks, For Cupressus sempervirens var. fastigiata are: soaking in water for 24h., 5 minutes in potasium nitrate and washing in distilled water,chilling (1-5C ) for 8 to 12 weaks, For Melia azedarach are: soaking in water for 24h., scratching the cortex of seeds, 10 minutes in diluted sulphoric acid and washing in distilled water,planting in sand and , 20:30 C temprature for 1 weak, For Thuja orientalis are: soaking in water for 24h., washing in diluted sodium hypochloride and distilled water, 20 C temperature, 16h. light and 8h. darkness for 21 days.