Document Type : Research Paper
Reseearch Institute of forests and Rangelands P.O, Box 13185-116 Tehran, Iran
Carbohydrates are first material which made through photosynthetic in plant and one of the important group in feed matter. Also, there are importance in pharmacology and remedy.
Plants belonging to the monocotyledonous genus Aloe (Liliales) have for centuries know for their medicinal value. These compound are extracts from a variety of aloes have been reported, e. g. A. Vera, A. blicatilis, A. babadensis. Also Jell of Aloe vera have found wide application in the pharmaceutical industry. In this investigation Aloe vera Leaf collected from farm of research institue of forests and ranglands for determination carbohydrate by Antron methods by spectrophotometry (HITACHI 640) in 625 nm.
The percent of total carbohydrates in Jell is 9.49% and skin of leaf is 23.35%.