Document Type : Research Paper
Research Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources of Kerman
In order to determine which plant species are producers, and which insects are affective in production of manna of tamarix this study was done in shahdad region that is placed in north east of Kerman province. Manna of tamarix is the sap of Two species of Tamarix (Tamarix aphylla & T. leptopetala) secretes on their adolescent branches from small stings on their skins made by two kinds of insects (Euscelisdecoratus & Tuponia subaltera), mostly Euscelisdecoratus. Habitats of producer species begin in the north of Shahdad city and extend in a southerly direction to south corner of Kerman province ending up in Narmashir-e-Bam. This region has a very arid climate and lies in the western side of Kavir-e-lout desert. Average annual precipitation is less than 50 mm and average annual temperature is over 25 degrees centigrade. Rural children and women collect manna yield from October to January in shahdad region. They consume it as a sweet or a traditional medicine to treat cough.