In collaboration with Scientific Association of Iranian Medicinal Plants

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D student of Horticultural Department, Agricultural Faculty, University of Tehran, Karaj- Iran

2 Academic member of Agricultural Faculty, University of Tehran

3 Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, Tehran-Iran


The experiment was conducted in 1380-1381, on one year old olive plant cvs; "Zard", "Roghani" (native cvs.) and "Mission", "Koroneiki" (foreign cvs.) during two different growth status; cold and non-cold acclimated phase. Natural cold treatment was achieved by exposure plant to low temperature during fall and winter in 1381. the influence of cold stress on plant growth, wet and dry weight, shoot tip burn and water content were studied. In order to determine ionic leakage leaf tissues were exposure to artificial freezing temperature; 0, -4, -8 and -12°C ranged by 4°Cper hour. There was significant difference between cultivars with regards to vegetative growth index. The cv. "Koronieki" with more shoot growth, showed the more shoot tip burn damage. Based on ionic leakage study at non-acclimated phase, Olive cvs. were classified in distinct classes, includes: cold tolerance, semi tolerance and cold sensitive. However use of lower artificial freezing temperature especially during cold acclimated status will provide more reliable and certain results. 


- درویشیان، م 1376 . زیتون. نشر آموزش کشاورزی . ترجمه . 295 صفحه.
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